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Organize your Pantry on a Budget

Organize your Pantry on a Budget

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Post is sponsored by Feed the Pig, a PSA campaign of the AICPA and the Ad Council. I am proud to bring you resources that give you tips to becoming financially secure and independent. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

The AICPA and their fun digital savings game, Yesterday’s Tomorrow, got me all inspired to save as much money as possible while reorganizing my pantry. It’s a potentially difficult and daunting task, but with a plan and a killer playlist, it’s no big deal at all! Not to mention, it will help you save money later on! Here are my 10 tips to organize your pantry on a budget 😉

pantry organization budget

Speaking of saving money, today’s post is brought to you by the AICPA who has a great FREE online resource to help you actually save money – sweet right?! I am very thankful that my Dad taught me a lot about managing my finances, but so many of my friends didn’t have that and it can be a very overwhelming thing to tackle.  If that is you, check out for tons of tips for saving, investing and living within your means using your specific interests and where you are in life. They also have this great new game called Yesterday’s Tomorrow that helps you understand how your decisions today will affect your tomorrow – I played it and it’s pretty cool!


My Top 10 Tips to Organize your Pantry on a Budget

Tip #1: Clean out your pantry.

Throw out all the expired food, trust me you will have more than you thought. Wipe down the shelves, put things away that don’t belong there. (I found the missing dust buster cord. It had been missing for like 2 years. I wasn’t sure whether to be elated or disturbed haha!)

pantry reoganization tips

Tip #2: Make a plan.

I measured all the shelves and decided how I thought the new space would function better. I drew this out on paper so that I could visualize it a bit better since I am a very visual person, but it’s amazing how much easier it is to tackle tasks with a plan, whether it’s your pantry or your finances ;).

Tip #3: Decide on Containers.

What types of containers do you need? Bins? Air tight dry good storage? Spice rack?  Make a list of how many containers you need now that your food has been thinned out.

pantry containers from ikea and walmart

Tip #4: Go Shopping!

I purchased containers that fit my plan but were as inexpensive as possible. I bought mason jars and searched at thrift stores because you can easily purchase new lids and the glass is easy to sterilize.  It doesn’t really matter where they come from, as long as the bins/containers work for what you need 😉

snack container for pantry organization

Tip #5: Fill up your Containers and Label.

Now it’s time to get your kitchen back to normal. At this stage mine looked like a bomb went off… At this point in the process in can be a little discouraging because there is still a fair amount to do… It ok! Put on some fun music and keep at it!


label glass containers for pantry

When you are putting your food in the containers and bins you have picked, be sure to label things so you have the proper expiration date. I just wrote directly on my glass containers with a chalk pen ;). Stickers or a label maker are great too!

Tip #6: Make things Easy to Grab.

Put the things you reach for constantly at eye level – no need for back pain when you are getting a snack hehe.

Tip #7: Make things Easy for the Kids to Grab.

My little boogers… I mean… kiddos are old enough to get their own snacks and help make lunches – so make sure their things are kid height, no sense in you having to do any extra work than necessary ;).

kids grab snacks in pantry

Tip #8: Add some Personal Touches.

Make your pantry fun, add some wall paper to the back, stickers, decals or photos. The more you love the space, the more likely you are to keep in nice and organized.

kids photos in pantry

Tip #9: Don’t Stuff it.

Get rid of enough things that you have some wiggle room. We all know that epic grocery store run is coming up, you have company coming to town or you make baked goods for the entire neighborhood at Christmas and need the extra space for supplies. Life happens, which is beautiful – don’t be worried that you have to shove all of these things in your brand new organized pantry!

leave space in pantrty

Tip #10: Live and Adjust.

Live with your pantry and make adjustments… It’s totally cool that it wasn’t perfect the first time.

Give the game, Yesterday’s Tomorrow a try over at I am sure you will find some great tips for managing your money over there, I know I did!

I hope you enjoyed this post, let me know in the comments which tip is your favorite!