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Felt and Fabric flowers… success and fails

Thank you so much for sharing!

 I sat down the other night and sketched out some ideas for felt and fabric flowers.  There are tons of tutorials and ideas out there, but I wanted to use my own brain and sketchbook, plus some time working with the fabric to create my own designs.

Happy Friday Everyone!  Have a fantastic weekend!

This one needs a little more work… needs more dimension and the color is a little blah – which is why I used it to practice.

This one looks weird, just being honest.
This one is not my own design, its from a tutorial.  

This one turned out fun.  Same thing with the color, not a fan of the bubble gum, but it was a practice round.  I think this would be fun in a dark purple.  I’ll post a tutorial soon on this, I even have purple felt ;).