Hi Everyone! If you have been following me for awhile you know how much I love The Quilters Planner. This is straight up a great resource for you on so many levels! Today, I’m going to share my quilters planner review and share with you why I love it so much.

There are many things to love about the quilter’s planner, but I’m going to share my 3 favorites 😉 Ready to get your own planner? Click HERE to get yours!

My top favorite thing is the reference section… I look at this all.the.time and its gold. So many practical and handy tips and tricks to have at your fingertips.

My 2nd favorite thing about the quilter’s planner is all of the independant designers who are featured and have such fun and inspiring projects included in the planner. Stephanie is the creator of the planner and has done such an amazing job with it.

My 3rd favorite thing is the project planner and how easy it is to keep your projects organized. The weekly spread and the monthly spread are beautiful as well – it really is a great planner for the busy quilter!

If you are ready to purchase your planner, make sure to do it soon because they sell out every year! Happy planning!
Daniela Martisovitsova
Tuesday 4th of December 2018
I's like to win this planner.
Dianna Ratliff
Tuesday 4th of December 2018
He Melanie, First of all I just want to say thank you. You are the reason I made my first quilt. I watched your YouTube videos 1 thru 4 and did exactly what you taught me. It’s not perfect by far but I did it with my own hands and I love it. I got a sewing machine for my birthday November 17th of this year so I pretty much watch your videos everyday, wanting to learn. Thank you so much you truly are a inspiration. Oh yeah and of course I would love to win.... I would love to win anything that your giving away, me being on a short income and being new I don’t have a whole lot to work with. So keeping my fingers crossed to be the winner lol:) Thanks for all you do with much love, Dianna
Teresa Smith
Tuesday 4th of December 2018
Isn’t love to win. As a beginner to sewing, I’m sure this would be a valuable resource.
Teresa Smith
Tuesday 4th of December 2018
Oops. Should say, I’d love to win. 😊
Carla Waddle
Tuesday 4th of December 2018
What a fabulous planner! I would love to have one.
Monday 3rd of December 2018
I need a planner like this to keep me on track on my projects!!! I love your tutorials videos and patterns. I have been telling my friends to check them out!!